Dialog Postpaid Fun Blaster in Sri Lanka
Dialog Postpaid Fun Blaster in Sri Lanka: Here are the 4 best offers for postpaid users of Dialog. You only get social data which you can use for 30 days. If you want the cheapest offer for 30 days, then first offer. Subscribe which is priced at Rs.223 and if you want a slightly more expensive offer, then subscribe to the offer of Rs.305 if you wish to the most expensive offer, then subscribe to the offer of Rs.547. Apart from this, you can choose any of the other offers apart from these offers. More information has been given in this post.
Also Read: Dialog Gaming Package in Sri Lanka
Fun Blaster 223
- Data: 20GB.
- Data Available Apps: Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube & IMO.
- Price: Rs.223.
- Subscription: Dial #678#.
- Online Subscribe: Click Here
- Validity: 30 Days.
Fun Blaster 305
- Data: 15GB.
- Data Available Apps: TikTok, Instagram.
- Price: Rs.305.
- Subscription: Dial #678#.
- Online Subscribe: Click Here
- Validity: 30 Days.
Video Blaster 336
- Data: Unlimited.
- Data Available Apps: YouTube.
- Night Time Bonus: 1.4 GB.
- Anytime Data Bonus: 0.7 GB.
- Price: Rs.336.
- Subscription: Dial #678#.
- Online Subscribe: Click Here
- Validity: 30 Days.
Fun Blaster Plus 547
- Data: Unlimited.
- Data Available Apps: Facebook, WhatsApp & YouTube.
- Anytime Data Bonus: 3GB.
- Price: Rs.547.
- Subscription: Dial #678#.
- Online Subscribe: Click Here
- Validity: 30 Days.